Glass Rail
Glass rail is one of the most popular choices for preserving your view. We have two styles of glass rail to choose from: our standard full frame glass rail and a topless glass rail.
RailPro Glass Rail Makes a Difference
We have seen DIY or subcontracted installations from the warehouse stores and these cannot rival the quality and attention to detail that RailPro provides. Our many years of professional installation experience and aesthetic expertise will ensure your ultimate satisfaction. Here are just a few of the extra details that sets RailPro apart from other installers.
In a proper glass rail installation, the openings along a run should all be equal in size. However, if the front of your deck is 24 feet long, often an installer will give you four openings at 5 feet and the last opening will be shorter at 4 feet. This is to accommodate a 5-foot-long stock size glass panel. RailPro will never take this shortcut with your rail. We will install the framework to have five equal size openings across the front. We then measure each opening and have the glass custom cut for an exact fit. The “reveal,” which is the air space between the glass and post, will be uniform across your entire deck with a RailPro installation. Additionally, RailPro finishes the vertical exposed edges with a high pencil polish, while others ignore the finish in order to save money.
If you have a sloped deck, which is usually the case with waterproof decks, RailPro gives you the option of running the top rail completely level to the horizon. Others will only install the rail parallel to the deck surface. This feature is very important if your view is seen from the sides as well as the front of your deck. If your sides slope, your eye will catch this imperfection, distracting from the view.
Full Frame Glass Rail
This style provides the safe economical guardrail you need with a minimum amount of obstruction to your view. The top rail has a slim 2” height and the posts are only 1 5/8″- 1 3/4″. This maximizes the size of the 1/4″ tempered glass infill panel.
Enhance your style
Open Midrail – There are several ways to add some pizzazz to your glass rail. The most popular has been the addition of a midrail to the system. This provides visual interest without a significant obstruction of your view.
Overlay Pattern – Another way to change your look is to add an overlay pattern to the outside of the glass.
Topless Glass
PDF of Topless Glass Style Discussion
Completely different than the full frame glass rail, this style consists of only two components: A vertical post and 3/8″ tempered glass. It provides the maximum amount of view area of any rail style. In addition, it provides a solid barrier for wind protection.
The exposed edges of the glass come with a flat high polish. For additional interest the glass can be extended above the post and the glass corner will be cut with a radius. There are two different styles of posts available: A square post and a fin post.
CAUTIONARY NOTE: Please note that in recent years there has been some controversy on this style of rail. While there’s nothing in the International Building Codes that prohibit the topless glass style, local jurisdictions have written local codes that have effected the installation of this style of glass rail. It is up to you to confirm your local codes. You need to ask the following:
- Is a topless glass system allowed in my city?
- If it is, what type of glass is required?
- temper glass;
- tempered laminated glass.